e-GAMES Electronic Gam(bl)ing: Multinational Empirical Surveys

This project initiated by the ODJ was designed and developed by three researchers:

  • Jean-Michel Costes, French monitoring center on Gambling, Paris
  • Sylvia Kairouz, Research Chair on the Study of Gambling, Concordia University, Montreal
  • Ingo Fiedler, University of Hamburg, Hamburg

At this moment 6 countries participate: France, Canada, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Poland. Other countries have expressed interest and may join the project. This project aims to achieve three main goals:

  • Establish or update a gambling status report for each participating country
  • To set up a much larger sample of Internet gamblers in order to explore several important issues and themes
  • To explore an important area of overlapping between gambling and gaming

The study purpose is to conduct a cross-national survey among a panel of Internet users. The study targets two Internet users’ subgroups: gamblers and pay-to-win gamers. A core set of questions to assess participation, patterns of play and related problems is asked to individuals belonging to these subgroups. The core set of questions is identical in each country but each country could also add additional questions depending on their online gambling or gaming landscape.

The survey is being conducted and analyzed in some countries. The project has already been the subject of some presentations or publications.

e-GAMES Project Overview

Gamblers - concerns games for which you bet money online. Depending on the results, you can lose or win. This includes: Lottery, scratch card games, sports bets, horse racing bets, poker, casino games and slot machines. Chance is always present but is more or less important.

Pay-to-win gamers - is characterized by the possibility to make payments during the game to significantly increase players’ chances to win or to help players better progress or faster progress in the game compared to players not paying; that is, players do not have to spend money to stay in the game, but they can pay to get privileges to increase their chances to win or advance to higher levels in the game. For example, money can be spent to obtain a strong item, advance to a higher level, or increase the power of an avatar.

Questionnaire e-Gambling 2016

Country National project managers
France Jean-Michel COSTES, ODJ, Paris
Italy Adele MINUTILLO, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma
Germany Ingo FIEDLER, University of Hamburg, Hamburg
Switzerland The e-game research (quanti. and quali. components) is coordinated by the GREA: Christophe AL KURDI, e-games suvey manager : Hervé KUENDIG, Addiction Suisse
Poland Bernadeta LELONEK-KULETA, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin
Canada Sylvia KAIROUZ, Research Chair on the Study  of Gambling, Concordia University, Montreal and Annie-Claude SAVARD, Laval University, Québec
Country Time schedule
France 5 January 2017 to 24 February 2017
Italy 17 May 2018 to 5 June 2018
Germany 16 July 2018 to 10 September 2018
Switzerland 30 May 2018 to 29 June 2018
Poland March 2019 to July 2019
Canada Pilot qualitative study : March 2019. Pancanadian survey : August 2019 or January 2020 (depend of funding).



Note ODJ n° 9